Our values in 5 principles
Our aim is to achieve the best possible result in the shortest possible time. Our challenge is also to achieve our goals in a way that respects everyone, without ever jeopardizing your reputation or our own. For both you and us, your reputation is our most valuable long-term asset. To achieve this, we follow a few common-sense rules.
1 | Rely on an enthusiastic team
We don’t solve the cases entrusted to us by simply sending letters. We solve them by relying on the qualities and expertise of our staff and partners. Legal specialists, because before we can act, we need to understand the laws and rights involved. Caring people, because money problems are first and foremost human problems.
2 | Focus on the essentials
No matter how much you dream about it, sooner or later you learn that it’s hard to be great at everything. We limit ourselves to two core activities: managing your billing and collecting your receivables. And since that’s all we do, we do it well.
3 | Understand before you act
Some people love to push open doors. We don’t. Which means trying to understand before acting. Convincing before coercing.
4 | Know your strengths and limitations
Once we’ve identified a solution, we implement it in the best possible way. Internally or externally, through one of our partners. Because what counts is that our action succeeds. And if it turns out that no result can be achieved by reasonable amicable or legal means, we know when to give up.
5 | Working with heart
Finally, whatever happens, we work with passion. Because, as you know, we only do well what we love to do. For us, that means having the desire to solve. Above all else.
Our success is measured both by what we achieve (gross profit) and by what we cost (net profit). We constantly optimize both, and communicate this to you in real time.
Our rates are based on a commission linked to the amounts recovered. Legal fees incurred with your agreement are invoiced at cost.
We’re committed to finding you the most efficient and cost-effective solution. Our tools simplify your work and enable us to achieve a high collection rate.
We were pioneers in the “relationship” approach to debt collection: instead of a power struggle, we focus on finding solutions together with the debtor. We do not endorse fear or threats, which are ineffective methods that damage your image and alter the relationship.